#5779: 2013 VERSADUMP HV-12 12 ft. x 82 in. Dump Trailer With

5779 This 2013 Midsota Versadump HV-12 dump truck features a 12 ft. x 82 in. all steel dump box 15400 lb. GVW (haul loads up to 11700 llbs. 6 in tuckslide in ramps 3-way gate with spreader HighLED truck style lights deep cycle marine battery 16 in radial tires slipper spring suspension Rugby hoist 10000 jack poly tool box extra stake pockets 7 gauge floors PPG paint 10 ply tires. 7995. Trades terms bank loans business lease-to-own OAC. TOWN AND COUNTRY TRUCK SALES KENT WA (near Seattle). For full specs multiple photos and a video of this truck please click the following link httpwww.townandcountrytruck.comsearch-by-stoc k-no-25779-2



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