2002 Suzuki GSX R1000 (K2) - Price: 4500

For sale is a 2002 Suzuki GSX R1000 (K2) with a Clear title in-hand. This bike is scary fast and has had one previous owner always garage kept cleaned professionally serviced and never track ridden. Its been adult owned has 9141 original miles and has never been down or dropped. Selling only because I recently purchased a newer cruiser and hardly ride this one anymore.It has a brand new pearl white paint job (only bc I didnt like the factory red) new vinyl decals double-bubble black windshield full aftermarket Voo-Doo exhaust system mirrors w turn signals flush fairing lights foot pegs shifter under tail kit w led tail lights frame and swing arm sliders spike screw caps and Pirelli Diablo tires (12070ZR17 Front & 19050ZR17 Rear). Everything else is stock.The brake pads are low and will need replacing soon but rotors are good the tires are at 80% clutch and engine are strong chain and sprockets in good condition no overheating issues no leaks and all bearings are sound. The frame sliders were removed when I took the fairings off to be painted and forgot to put them back on before I took pictures but I do have them and they will be sold with the bike. The plastic engine kill switch is cracked but it still operates normally cheap fix.VIN JS1GT74A922106112Please contact me for any additional pictures and video of bike running available upon request.Visit Suzuki website for factory technical dataVisit web for free basic VIN CheckVisit NADA Blue Book for current Retail ValueAsking 4500 OBONo joy riders low-ball offers or scammers please. If you call from a restricted phone number I will not answer..dont waste your time. Bike is being sold As-Is condition and no warranties implied. Only acceptable forms of payment is cash personal check (must clear bank) or certified bank check (not cashiers check). If you would like to test drive this bike youll need to have the cash in hand that day no exceptions Serious inquiries only thank you.Please call or text for further information570-983-5538



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