AMERICAN JURISPRUDENCE Proof of Facts 2d Series Vol. 1 - 39 and

AMERICAN JURISPRUDENCE Proof of Facts 2d Series Volumes 1 - 39.Published by The Lawyer s Co-Operative Publishing Co. Rochester NY. 1980s.39 hardcovers with beautiful green covers AND the 2 Quick Index Volumes and The Fact Book With Medical Glossary.SO this is for all beautiful 42 volumes ONLY 200 All volumes are in NEAR FINE condition and are clean & unmarked except for a few notes occasionally.Please note again that this is the 2nd Series not the 3rd Series that was published subsequently in the 1990s.HOWEVER this is a beautiful set of law books that is great as a decorator accent to any office.Can be picked up in Mountain Home Idaho 40 miles south east of Boise Idaho.



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