Moving Sale I-17 and Thunderbird Rd. (Phoenix)

My house so big that I did not realize how much stuff I had till after moving again. There is too much to put in storage for just myself. Its time to pass along items to others who can put them to use. Sale items FurnitureDressersClothesElectronicsFridgeColl ectiblesSports Equipmentand much more. Address 2442 W. Acoma Dr. Phoenix AZ 85023Date Time Friday 8 14 7am - 8pm by appointment only. I have errands to take care of before sale this day.Call or text about featured items. Will be uploading more pics as the day goes on. Saturday 8 15 7am - 1pmSunday 8 16 7am - 1pmPlease text (at) show contact details...



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