Truly Curious

First things first this is a inquiry request. I am a single attractive curvy black 20 year old looking for an established older gentleman(race doesn t matter). I was wondering are there any men out there who truly believe in a mutually beneficial relationship. Are there any men who actually love and desire black women. No I am not a prostitute just a girl who doesn t want to be in a serious relationship that doesn t have its own set of perks. I mean who doesn t like nice things call me a gold digger but I see all time in the world where men will pay thousands to fulfil a girls every dream. I just wanted to know what does it take I m not gonna jump through hoops or beg for a relationship. But I am truly curious to see what it s like to be spoiled beyond my wildest dreams I m not a selfish girl I do aim to please. So if your interested reply if not oh well



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