ESTATE SALE Antiques mid-century furniture tools collectibles (G

The house is sold. Now all contents must go. Beautiful King Hickory sofa and oversized chair with hand-tied springs mahogany bookcase with glass doors massive armoire with antique brass hardware antique ladies wardrobe cabinet lobby desk credenza with hidden cubbyhole desk cast iron mortar and pestle fireplace accessories antique brass floor lamp mid-century modern teak and ceramic table lamp 1950 s Cosco dining table with four freshly reupholstered chairs pair of oak 2-drawer filing cabinets with brass harware maple drop leaf table Snow White and 7 Dwarfs original movie poster in frame Friedrich whole-house air purifier with 6 new filters Hoover rug cleaner with floor cleaner converter 1950 s maple bedroom suite including fullsize mattress and boxspring (pristine) vintage clothing signed original artworks gas grill hoses and reel stands Toro mulching bagging lawn mower Werner step ladder 2 Huffy 26 bicycles extensive collection of cookbooks and coffee table books dressers chests of...



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