High End Modular Seating Risers Bleachers

For Sale Custom High End Modular Seating Risers BleachersStructurally engineered signed stamped and sealed and have been used and inspected in Florida and Texas. They set up extremely quickly and can be used over and over for a temporary show or they can be used as a permanent installation. I have 2 systems available that are 11 rows deep and 40 feet wide and easily hold 200 people each the systems can be merged to create up to 80 long to hold 400 or any increment of 8 wide. We could quickly manufacture the components to add a 4 bay giving the option of up to 84 in any increment of 4 . If needed that would hold up to 450PPL. By adding a ground row of chairs Wheelchairs in front you hit 475 PPL. These are great systems and built to last a lifetime. They were designed for a specific show and now that it has come to an end my loss can be your gain if you act fast.The units can be used with just aluminum rails for quick sporting events and corporate etc. as well as installed as a high end movie theater applications by adding the solid walls stair lighting and single permanent style handrail.As mentioned I am extremely motivated to sell at least 1 set of the 33 x 40 x 11 row systems for 30 000 or will sell both sets that will integrate together in any increment of 8 x 11 rows for a deeply discounted price of 50 000We are looking for firm offers.



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