1971 - 1978 Cadillac Eldorado Hood Ornament (71 72 73 74 75 76 7

Up for sale is a lightly used hood ornament for a 1971 - 1978 Cadillac Eldorado.I had purchased this ornament NOS and had it installed on my 1976 Eldorado. Unfortunately about a year later this vehicle was rear-ended and I donated the car to Purple Heart. I removed this hood ornament prior to the vehicle being picked up.This hood ornament comes with a clip but I don t have the spring.This ornament is in excellent condition. This ornament has been exposed to a year s worth of sun rain etc. while sitting in my driveway since I would use this vehicle once in a while locally. My asking price is 65.00 (cash) which is firm. Please bring the exact amount since there is a chance I won t be able to make change.If you re interested in purchasing this beautiful hood ornament please call me between 9AM to 9PM to schedule a time to meet at a public location in Berlin NJ. If I don t answer please leave a voice message since I don t send receive texts.



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