2010 Keystone Passport GT Series M-3050BH

Length 32.8 feet Year 2010 Make Keystone Model Passport GT Series M-3050BH Miles NA Interior Color NA Exterior Color NA Slides 2 2010 Keystone Passport GT Series M-3050 BH. Excellent condition one owner used about 3 times a year. NADA average retail (Trailer alone) 17350 This RV comes standard with all the options please see Keystone Passport options photo. Included with the RV 12 000lb 4-way sway control equalizer hitch (worth 800) Brand new battery Full length inner spring queen mattress (MUCH better than the factory mattress ) Extra 50 30 amp cord Patio mat Fresh and grey water hoses Plates flatware pots and pans (A price can be negotiated if the extras are not wanted or needed) See more at www.rvregistry.com used-rv 1013009.htm



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