Victorias Pet Sitting and Boarding

Hi guys My name is Victoria and I live in Boston GA. I have limited space so i will only be able to take in 1 dog at a time unless they come from the same home. It will cost you 30 a day for boarding. Sitting or daily checks will range from 10- 40 depending on gas usage. WE WILL NOT ACCEPT PET SITTING FOR SNAKES When your dog is boarded food is not necessary unless they have special requirements and any health needs or medication will need to be described. When your dog comes to visit me they will be boarded in a dog house run with enclosed walls windows roof and doggy proof door. A nice soapy bath is included in the daily fee so your pet will go home smelling like green apples. For pet sitting a key will need to be available. Dogs that usually bite or attack will not be accepted for boarding or pet sitting.



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