12 Acre CampsiteRV Site

Beautiful 1 2 acre campsite in Wentworth NH. Immediately off a paved town road and only 600 ft off of Rt 25 but secluded with no close neighbors.All new utuilities 200 amp electric service feeding a mobile sevice panel with 20 amp 30 amp and 50 amp receptacles. Drilled artisian well with connection 1000 gal septic tank and grey water dry well both piped in with connectors.Site is level with grass and a legde pack driveway and mobile pad. 10 X 10 utility shed. Area lighting.Site also has telephone and CABLE.All you need is a travel trailer or RV. This site could be used for a single wide mobile home if desired.Low taxes in Wentworth approximately 600 year.



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