FEMALE AND MALE month Shih tzu Pups Beautiful

Shih Tzu puppy. 12 weeks ready to go a home now. Mom and Dad on site. They re our family dogs. She s Up to date with shots very sweet and great personality crate trained great with kids and cats. Looking for a loving home. Please txt me for more info TEXTThese pupppies were just sold in Merced for each now she s flipping for 500 eac They are NOT yorkie they are the regular chihuahua mix with 5 different terriers. Won t be 5 pounds more like I wanted to buy these puppies for myself I have original texts with original seller Flag her along with me and don t pay more then andwhite Shih Tzu Puppies. He has one blue eye one brown. Very playful outside and mellow inside. Unfortunately I am unable to keep him seeing as my older is too aggressive with him. He s a sweet puppy I would just like to find a good home for him. He s a little shy to new people at first but once he sees you in his everyday life he ll warm up. Keep in mind I ve only owned him for a week so there still has to be potty training. There is a re-homing fee to make sure he s going to a good home.If interested you can contact me preferably by - ill attach text from original seller and the flipper that doesn t have golden retrieever parents White and Male Puppies. He has one blue eye one brown. Very playful outside and mellow inside. Unfortunately I am unable to keep him seeing as my older husky is too aggressive with him. He s a sweet puppy I would just like to find a good home for him. He s a little shy to new people at first but once he sees you in his everyday life he ll warm up. Keep in mind I ve only owned him for a week so there still has to be potty training. There is a re-homing fee to make sure he s going to a good home.If interested you can contact me preferably by emailI have a cute and dog for adoption. He is 3 and half years old very cute and super friendly very playful but probably is not very good with kids. His name is Beibei. He doesn t shed and his hair can keep growing. He weighs around lbs. He loves long walks or hiking beaches running around on the grass and car rides and he loves to play fetch. He is good with playing with smaller dogs too. I adore him but I don t have enough time for him. So I m looking for a loving and warm family to adopt him so he can get better care and attentions.He has been fixed and has all vaccines up to date. Adopter who has experiences with dogs is preferred. Rehoming fee is 500.He has some food aggression and doesn t like to be petted when resting or sleeping. He has bitten me before so I think he needs some behavior training to correct this behavior. Other than that he is a very affectionate sweet and playful boy. Thank you so much for your interest And please let me know if you have any questions.This breed are are very sweet and gentle natured and make beautiful family pets..Please don t contact us unless you are serious if interested please get in touch strictly no time wasters.Contact us via Text at x (805) x 380 xx 8434. For More Details And Lovely Pictures.



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