Indesit Washing Machine Model IWB71250

I have for sale my washing machine. 600 -1200 rpm spin A range of washes from whites colours wool etc. It is in good working condition. Washes clothes very good. 7kg drum so it copes really well. There are no rattles dings or dents. It s white It s all good check out the photo s. A Energy rating. Indesit Washing Machine Model IWB71250Contents Control panel Indicator lightsThe Wash settings are as follows 1. White cotton 90 degree wash 2. Cotton 60 degree wash 3. Colour cottons 40 degree wash 4. Cotton 30 degree wash 5. Synthetics 50 degree wash. 6. wool 7. Silk curtains 8. Jeans 9. Express 15 minute wash 10. Flash cotton 11. Sports intensive 12. Sports light 13. Special shoes. rinse spin and drainYou will need 1-2 people to collect this item as I am unable to help with lifting. Sorry



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