Precious - Female Cocker Spaniel

WE WILL BE AT PETSMART 2705 BIDWELL FOLSOM (NEXT TO HOME DEPOT) ON SATURDAY MARCH 19 FROM 11-2. PLEASE STOP BY TO SEE US Precious is exactly that - PRECIOUS This adorable nice girl is only 5 years old but has had 3 different homes - not through any fault of her own. Families were military and were deployed. She now is looking for her forever home. All she wants is to be love and given attention. She did not have much attention because her previous family was busy with work and family. Precious loves to be on your lap is quiet well-behaved is great with other dogs good in the car. She does have some skin issues and allergies that she is being treated for and we hope that she will be as good as new soon. For more information please contact --(at)----X... More Info



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