Lilo - Female Domestic Shorthair Mix

HARD-WORKING CATTerrific Work Ethic Hire Me Do you operate a barn warehouse or place of business and need some extra assistance with pest control This cats resume is very promising and can help control pests and deter other feral wild animals from taking up residence on your property The only thing required in return is your promise to provide fresh food and water daily 24 7 access to shelter from the elements (a barn warehouse shed loft etc) and vaccinations vet care as needed There are many ways a hard-working cat can make a positive change to your environment so why not hire (adopt) one now The adoption fee is 20.00 and includes age appropriate vaccinations sterilization microchip preventative dewormer and a feline leukemia test Primary Color Brown Tabby Secondary Color White Weight 5.94 Age 0yrs 9mths 1wks... More Info



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