Male Ragdoll "CLOUD" Rare Chocolate Van Bicolor mink

CLOUD Chocolate Van Bicolor Mink Ragdoll Kitten 800 Please text or call 610-762-1914 to check on current availability and any additional informationThis is CLOUD a cute fluffy cuddly male ragdoll kitten. What a curious and playful little boy who also enjoys his snuggling. He is a chocolate van bicolor mink but more rare than most as most of these have chocolate markings on tail ears face and back. CLOUD is pure white with the exception of his fuzzy chocolatey tail He is a very handsome solid boy and has a great personality equal to his looks.CLOUD was born July 14 2016 and is currently 10 weeks old. He is now ready for his forever home.All kitties will come to you with age appropriate vaccinations and be dewormed. Parents are HCM FIV and FELV negative so there are no health concerns genetic testing provided by UCLA Davis. Additionally a contract including a health guarantee will be provided.All of our kitties grow up in our home with a family environment making the little babies well socialized.A deposit of 150 will reserve CLOUD deposit payments can be made via Paypal or by mailing a check or money order.Please text or call 610-762-1914 to check on current availability and any additional information.



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