Writers Seeking Paid Consultants

Our writing team will be in Boston conducting interviews on October 1. These interviews are to select consultants to assist us on a film script for a major motion picture. If you are interested in becoming a consultant on our script please send your resume or information regarding your qualifications to us. The following areas of expertise needed are 1) People from Soviet post-Soviet era countries with knowledge specific to culture science technology military spy agencies and ethnic conflicts. 2) People with knowledge of scientific advancement military affairs societal studies and political evolution as it relates to Iranian history and the effect it has had on shaping the world today and the alternative outcomes. 3) People with knowledge in assisting with the following story premise A sci-fi movie where manipulation of human DNA allows companies in developed countries to sell products that improve life while emerging powers use the same technology to improve their human capital and increase their influence on the world. A major theme in the movie is the use of this technology by the Chinese government to attempt to supplant the U.S. as the dominant power and we would like an expert to advise on how that would play out. Again if you can speak to these points please send your resume or information regarding your qualifications to us. Thank you.



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