2012 Hyundai Veloster

1 Owner Clean Car-Fax Navigation Back-Up Camera and Panoramic Sun-Roof Texoma Hyundai is pleased to be currently offering this 2012 Hyundai Veloster 3dr Cpe Auto w Black Int with 96 987 miles. Start enjoying more time in your new ride and less time at the gas station with this 2012 Hyundai Veloster. There are many vehicles on the market but if you are looking for a vehicle that will perform as good as it looks then this Hyundai Veloster 3dr Cpe Auto w Black Int is the one There s no need to look any further. Texoma Hyundai has the perfect match for you. This Hyundai Veloster s Marathon Blue Pearl on Gray color combination will make heads turn. The Hyundai Veloster 3dr Cpe Auto w Black Int will provide you with everything you have always wanted in a car -- Quality Reliability and Character.



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