ANTIQUE BOOK - 1903 State of New Jersey - Legislative Manual - T

Up for sale is a rare hardcover 1903 State of New Jersey Legislative Manual. The author is T. F. Fitzgerald and this book has 548 pages. The only condition issues I see are a) There s a rip in the paper immediately behind the front cover next to the Compliments of handwritten inscription (see picture). b) The top corner of the front cover has frayed a little (see picture). c) There s a black dot on the bottom of the book (see picture) - saturation appears to be limited to this small area on the bottom of the book. d) There s a slight rip on the corner of the binding (lower rear portion - see picture). This would appear in the upper-right hand corner of 1903 on the side of the book. Handwritten on the inside cover is Compliments of A. C. Heulings (Albert C. Heulings perhaps ). Albert C. Heulings is listed elsewhere via a Google internet search as a) Clerk to Committee on Judiciary of General Assembly session 1902. b) Mr. Heulings appears to have been a Camden NJ attorney with an office at 415 Market Street at the time. c) His family owned the historic Albert C Heulings House in Moorestown NJ. built in 1870. d) This Mr. Heulings lived between 1878-1937. The pages appear to be in excellent condition for a book that s 113 years old with no handwriting rips or bent pages. Due to the limited number of pictures allowed I devoted the last four pictures to this book s minor flaws. My asking price is 15.00 (cash) which is firm. Please arrive with exact amount since I may be unable to make change. If interested please call between 9AM to 8PM to schedule a time to meet at a public location in Berlin. I expect to be in and out so please leave a message and I ll get back to you. If you prefer to send an e-mail please put NJ Book in subject line so I know it s not spam otherwise your e-mail will go ignored.



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