2015 Subaru XV Crosstrek 2.0i Limited

Crain Hyundai of Little Rock is pleased to be currently offering this 2015 Subaru XV Crosstrek Limited with 11 893 miles. Want more room Want more style This Subaru XV Crosstrek is the vehicle for you. The less money you spend at the pump the more money you ll have to spend on you. So why not consider this wonderfully styled fuel-efficient Subaru XV Crosstrek. Enjoy the grip and control of AWD performance in this nicely equipped Subaru XV Crosstrek. You ve found the one you ve been looking for. Your dream car. Every new and pre-owned vehicle is backed by the Crain Commitment including our 100% low price guarantee a 100 hour love it or leave it exchange policy and a 100 year 100 000 mile warranty. The Crain Team s Got Em Give us a call at Crain Hyundai of Little Roc .



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