Lab pups

HELLO. PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE ADD. I WILL NOT REPLY BACK BY E MAIL DUE TO SPAM AND SCAMS. YOU MUST CALL IF YOU WOULD LIKE ANY OTHER INFORMATION. The sie is a chocolate lab from Ohio State and id OFA and DNA tested and certified. The dame is a black lab from Washington State and has Canandian and Master hunter in her pedigree. Pups will come with AKC registration their dew claws removed and their first shot and worming which will be done by our vet. Pups will be ready for their new homes Jul1 1 2015 and can be reserved now with a 200 deposit. we are located in Placerville about 30 minutes from Sacramento. i have 1 black male 2 black females 1 chocolate male and 2 chocolate females available. black pups are 500 and chocolates are 600 each.



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