Harrelson Corner-0.94 Acres-For Lease-Myrtle Beach SC

Offered FOR LEASE this 0.94 Acre Tract which has frontage on both Harrelson Boulevard and American Way. This property is in close proximity to the Coastal Grand Mall a 1.1 million-square-foot regional mall Myrtle Beach International Airport (Harrelson Boulevard) Highway 17 Bypass and Highway 501. GENERAL SITE INFORMATION Approximately 0.94 - Acres (40 946 Square Feet)Identified as TMS 180-34-01-019 County of Horry SC.Approximately 200 Feet of Frontage on Harrelson Boulevard Approximately 144 Feet of Frontage on American Way Conveniently located Near Myrtle Beach International Airport and Major Traffic ArteriesCovenants and Restriction are in Place to Assure Integrity of the ParkPublic Utilities are Available to the SiteAverage Daily Traffic Count-17 400



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