HERBIE - Male Terrier (Unknown Type Medium) Mix

I get along well with other dogs. I like to play ball and run free in a backyard when it s playtime. My foster mom kept me in a kennel while I healed up but I am ready to go now. I need a little training as I am just going from puppy to adulthood. I like kitties but I want to chase them and it scares them. I could use a little training on that. I am fine with kids. I love pets and belly scratchies. I am kennel and crate trained and can hold it while you are away at work.I like humans a lot and would love to be in a house with a family or other dogs or with someone to spend quality time with me. My foster mom has been working with me to teach me to sit. I am a smart dog and pay attention to peoples eyes. I could even turn into a service dog with the right training ... More Info



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