3 bedroom 2 bath for sale

3 bedroom 2 bath for sale all included in that are the stove microwave fridge dishwasher open room plan nice looking kitchen dining room kitchen has a island and a third sink 3 of the bigest bedrooms you have ever seen walkin closets also master bath is one of the bigest you have ever seen everything shopping pizza salad bar icecream all within 10 min- scranton is only 15 to 20 min- away there are lakes and streems for fishing in every where up here several churches around go to mass or go to bingo 2 big purches on home double carport shed on property have to be over 50 to own a home here this is a 55 and over community owner has to be over 50 off aberdeen road not far from 307 or n moscow pa. i went down from 53 to 47 000.several people have been turned down by the banks or else this home would be sold already i am so sorry to those the banks turned down several people had to be turned down home built in 2003 cheaper taxes on this home.



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