Enjoy Beautiful Views And Lakefront Living With This Home

Enjoy beautiful views and lakefront living with 100 of lake frontage on Lake Maitland which is one of the 6 lakes connected on the Winter Park Chain of Lakes . This 3 bedroom 1 874 SF home is ready for updating or start new on the property. Located in the quiet Hollieanna Shores neighborhood and zoned for A-rated schools this home s prime location is just a short distance from great shops and dining community parks trails and nearby Winter Park amenities. PLEASE WHEN CALLING ABOUT THIS PROPERTY PROVIDE THIS REFERENCE NUMBER REF O5464757LISTING PROVIDED BY COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL RE THE ESTATES HOMES SALES & RENTALS LLC. POSTS PROPERTIES FOR A 30 DAY PERIOD OF TIME. DUE TO THE CURRENT HIGH DEMAND OF PROPERTIES FOR SALE SOME PROPERTIES ADVERTISED MAY BE WITHDRAWN CANCELLED RENTED PENDING OR SOLD WITHIN THE PAST 30 DAYS. ALL INFORMATION IS DEEMED TO BE CORRECT BUT NOT GUARANTEED. CONTACT INFORMATIONWebsite www.The EStatesFlorida.comOFFICE THE ESTATES HOMES SALES AND RENTALS LLC. PHONE 407-739-4504EMAIL TheEstatesFlorida(at)outlook.com Manager DIANA JOSEPH - Licensed Real Estate Broker



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