22 Charming Cottage with excellent View

Our Home is a charming 2-bedroom Suite 2-bathroom beach cottage is the perfect home for family living. Within walking distance to the famous and beautiful Windansea Beach this pet-friendly home will fit all of your vacation rental needs A beautifully manicured front yard with white picket fence welcomes you as you enter this cozy cottage. Hardwood floors throughout and fresh clean d cor and furnishings give this home a relaxing feel perfect for you beach get-a-way. The living room has ample seating a modern fireplace to cozy up next to on cool nights and a flat screen TV to throw on some movies. For additional sleeping arrangements the sofa conveniently pulls out to a full size bed and a twin Aero bed is available as well.A fully equipped remodeled kitchen has everything that you may need to prepare a meal for family and friends. An added dining area for 4 with rustic furnishings completes the kitchen area. The open floor plan allows you to be cooking in the kitchen while conversing and entertaining guests in the living room dining area and patio. Two large French doors open up from the kitchen onto the private back patio with BBQ and spa. You cannot have a true beach vacation without an outdoor living space Enjoy BBQing a meal on the sunny back patio while lounging and eating on the patio furniture. As the sun goes down dip into the backyard hot tub and relax The master bedroom features a king sized bed with fresh linens a gorgeous bay window with window seating and a ceiling fan. The guest bedroom is furnished with a bunk bed (2 twin beds) fresh linens and a beautiful armoire for storage. Both bathrooms are modernly and freshly decorated one with a shower tub combo and the other with a walk-in shower.If you are looking for a cozy beach cottage that feels like home this is the perfect place for you and your family. Enjoy being walking distance to the beach a nice 5-minute walk to La Jolla Village with shops and restaurants and being on a safe family pet friendly street.THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW Due to the moderate coastal climate this house (like most in the area) does not have air conditioning. This home is located in a quiet neighborhood and is only suitable for quieter groups.Floor Area 1047 sq. ft.



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