Converting HTML Website to Wordpress Theme From HireWpgeeks

Are you looking for WordPress developers to converting any HTML site to Wordpress HireWpgeeks is the perfect destination for hire Wordpress developer for convert HTML Website to Wordpress Theme. HireWPGeeks has a solid client satisfaction record of more than 5 years. We have catered to clients across the globe and delivered HTML to WordPress conversion services timely and efficiently. What all do we migrate Pages All the pages on your current website Images All the site images corresponding to their respective content Menu Items All the links to different sections of your current site Metadata All the meta keywords titles and descriptions 301 Redirects We redirect all your existing URLs to new ones to retain the SEO effort SEO Tags SEO title keywords description of pages & posts of your existing website Posts All the posts on your current websiteWHY CLIENTS CHOOSE USFULLY RESPONSIVE CONVERSION WIDGET READY CLEAN & STRUCTURED CODE THEME CONTROL PANEL OPTIMIZED FOR PERFORMANCE UPGRADE-FRIENDLYs services html-to-wordpress



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