1958 Ford F-100 Custom Cab

Get ready to turn heads with this show-stopping 1958 Ford F-100 Custom Cab This full-size pickup features a sleek handsome styling that has been designed with classic authenticity in mind. Dressed in beautiful two-tone Brandywine and Lighting Silver paint that is complimented by a matching two-tone hounds tooth interior. Powered by a 223 cubic inch 6-cylinder engine that is mated with 3-on the tree transmission this handsome devil has a 9 inch Ford rear-end that is ready for anything life throws at it either on the road or at a show With meticulous attention to detail every facet has been addressed in the professional restoration of this classic Ford pickup. A strong focus on authenticity was the foundation for this extensive frame-off nut and bolt procedure. This included the body being completely dipped and stripped. The exterior offers the original design however it features a brighter more prominent color scheme that is highlighted with chrome around every corner. The motor transmission and clutch have all been professionally rebuilt as well. Every detail of the labor parts and procedure invested into this beautiful truck has been documented on paper. This 1958 Ford F-100 Custom Cab pickup has been family owned since 1970. Originally a California truck that was owned by Chandlers Refrigeration in Santa Anna the current owner s grandfather brought it to Illinois in 1996 where it was stored and left untouched until the year 2000. Under current ownership and always stored indoors since that time the restoration took a total of three years and was completed in 2014. It has only been driven approximately 12 times and 200 miles since. Perfectly suited for any true appreciator or collector of authentic classics that has been done-up right Call today for more information on how you can get behind the wheel of this classic jewel More Pictures Available



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