Merry Maids Professional Housecleaning Service has several positions open due to business growth. NO weekends required. Be available Monday - Friday 8 00am to 5 00pm. Work approximately 32-37 hours per week cleaning homes in the Northampton County area. Earn 10 - 12.13 per hour. Weekly paychecks personal days paid holidays and vacation offered. Year end performance bonus offered to all employees. Working vehicle required with proof of insurance in your name. Tax free mileage paid. Contact 610-866-8428. All qualified applicants will need to pass drug test and criminal background check.Merry Maids is only interested in hiring quality conscious individuals who enjoy pleasing customers. Our company goal is to provide our customers with a level of service that exceeds all our competition. Our employees are rewarded by the company with bonuses based on quality performance. Our customers appreciate that quality performance as well with favorable feedback and gratuities. We are a family owned business with a focus on family and helping others. If you want to belong to a team that strives to be 1 in the industry then we would welcome an opportunity to be a part of our family.



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