Application Lead Developer

s jobopeningsjobs(at) mApplication Lead Developer needs 5 years experience Application Lead Developer requires Java & J2EE technologies. Application Lead Developer duties Interpret written business requirements functional requirements and technical specification documents to design and develop technical solutions that meet business needs Collaborate with IT and Business partners to design develop and troubleshoot end to end technical solutions Perform system design and specification development program logic and flow-charting that meets the stated project objective Identify resource needs and work with the Project Manager to build project team Identifies and manages dependencies and downstream impacts of the project to minimize adverse effects on other projects and or programs Provide status and progress updates to Project Manager Identify and communicate technical risks issues and changes Perform coding to written technical specifications Contribute to design review meetings with other members of Application Developmen Perform complex defect verification debugging testing and support Investigate analyze and document reported defects Create and maintain technical documentation using defined technical documentation templates that meet SDLC standards Leverage in depth knowledge of multiple (new and emerging) technologies to design and implement strategic technical solutions in accordance with business needs Deliver innovate designs of high complexity which allow building a scalable end to end architecture



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