Music Lessons with a Blue Man Group Band Member

Orbital Music Lessons is located in Casselberry Florida and is currently offering services to anyone in the Greater Orlando Area. Orbital Music Lessons is lead by experienced musician Ronnie Brannan. He studied double bass and percussion at Florida Southern College and has 11 years of private instruction experience. In addition to his contributions to the Orlando music scene Ronnie currently plays chapman stick and electric bass with Blue Man Group at the Universal Orlando Resort. He understands that everyone has different reasons for playing music and as a result he tailors his instruction to meet your needs. After discussing your goals Orbital Music Lessons can integrate a variety of different concepts into your personal curriculum including technique ear training music theory improvisation reading music and more Ronnie enjoys working with people of all ages and ability levels especially beginners Contact Orbital Music Lessons for rates and availability to begin the journey towards reaching your music goals Lessons offered to beginners or experienced musicians Bass Drums Pedals and Effects Guitar Mandolin Ukulele Keyboard Synthesizer Reading Music Music Theory Improvisation Ear Training Standard rates by individual lessons 30 minutes in Home Studio 30 1 hour in Home Studio 50 30 minutes travel 40 1 hour travel 60 Travel rates include areas within a 10 mile radius. Distances farther than 10 miles can be discussed and quotes adjusted. Standard rates by month (4 Weeks) 30 minutes in Home Studio 100 1 hour in Home Studio 175 30 minutes travel 150 1 hour travel 225 Travel rates include areas within a 10 mile radius. Distances farther than 10 miles can be discussed and quotes adjusted.



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