1700 3 bedroom in Wake Raleigh

Call 201-845-7300 for more information. Sublet.com Listing ID 2792092. Wonderful quiet location close to everything. Convenient to I-440 beltline so you can get to RTP in 20 minutes downtown in 10 minutes and close to several hospitals. House has been recently remodeled (working on basement remodel now) with just about new everything in the house (completely new kitchen with granite countertops remodeled bathrooms new fixtures refinished floors new paint etc...Lot is nice corner lot 1 3 acre with blueberry bushes thornless blackberries figs and garden. Not your typical rental this is home.Neighborhood is very quiet and a good walking neighborhood as there isnt any flow through traffic.All utilities included... even phone and Netflix Sign a lease and be done. House is only available until Oct. 15 2016. For more details .



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