Sparkle Building-5800 SF Prime Professional Office Building-For

GENERAL SITE INFORMATION Approximately 2.30 - Acres (100 623 Square Feet)Approximately 310 Feet of Frontage on US Highway 17 Bypass Average Daily Traffic Count-38 600 (Source SCDOT 2015)Identified as TMS 191-00-01-399 County of Horry SC.Median Cut with Deceleration Lanes in both directions IMPROVEMENTS 5 800 SF Professional Office Building Large Lighted SignBrick Structure Metal Roof Raised Slab Full AtticSprinkled 9 Ceilings Built-In Cabinets Abundant Natural Light10-20 Office Suites Conference Area 4 Baths Kitchen Large ReceptionLarge Parking Field with 38 SpacesStorage Building Well Landscaped



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