287 Acres and House Located near Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri

If you love the outdoors this property is for you. Located just a few miles from the Lake of the Ozarks (with more shoreline than the California coast) less than 10 minutes from a pay per use private boat ramp (Little Niangua river) and less than 15 minutes from the public Larry Gale Conservation boat ramp (Niangua Arm of the lake near Mile Marker 8) you are just minutes away from some of the best croppie bass blue cat and paddle fish largemouth and white bass fishing in the midewst. The property itself is large enough to be home base for many turkey squirrel rabbits and whitetail - including some very nice bucks. The small pond is not stocked but it contains croppie and catfish. It is perpect for kids to fish and in the fall there are 4 heavy fruiting persimmon trees right on it s banks. A favorite stopping place for whitetail. If you enjoy shopping you are less than 30 minutes from the very popular outlet mall in Osage Beach you are about an hour from the Springfield MO Bass Pro store and you are less than three hours from downtown St Louis or Kansas City. Annual property taxes are 2000 For many more photos and a lot more information see www.zillow.com homedetails 490-Bob-Ridge-Road-Roach-MO-65787 2100831959_zpid utm_source email& utm_medium email& utm_campaign emo-listingeditconfirmation-address& view public This is an amazing property and the price is dropping.



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