Monday August 15th 2016 at 630PM - KC Bariatric FREE Surgical We

If you are interested in learning more about Lap Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Gastric Banding Procedure and Lap Sleeve Gastrectomy procedures please attend 1 of our complimentary informational seminars. Just complete your registration details and choose the date you d like to attend. Please be aware the seminar is held in the Shawnee Mission Health Building A Room 105 at 23351 Prairie Star Pkwy Lenexa. New patient intake paperwork can be completed prior to the seminar and brought with you when you attend. The following link will take you to a separate page for downloading new patient materials - New Patient Intake Forms Please plan to arrive fifteen minutes prior to start of seminar in order to locate parking and receive sign-in info. ARRIVAL NOTE Out of respect for all attendees please silence your cell phones prior to start of seminar. We respectfully request children be left at home with a responsible caregiver. Thank you ...



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