2016 Richard Stallings Banquet

The Richard Stallings Banquet named in honor of our former United States Congressman is an important fundraising event held on behalf of our 2016 Bannock County Democratic candidates in District 28 District 29 and in Bannock County.The banquet will take place on Saturday August 13 The banquet will take place on Saturday August 13 2016 at the Bannock County Veterans Memorial Building 300 N. Johnson Ave. in Pocatello Idaho. Social hour will be from 6 00 7 00 p.m. with the dinner and program starting at 7 00 p.m. Our featured speaker will be S. Jerry Sturgill an Idaho native raised in the Twin Falls area who went on to graduate with honors from BYU Law School and became a successful businessman in the banking and financial industries. Jerry is running for the U.S. Senate as a Democrat because our members of Congress should be rolling up their sleeves and getting to work for all Idahoans rather than playing a political game that is being lost on the backs of working Americans....



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