Cherry Garcia - Male Terrier (Unknown Type Medium) Mix

Cherry Garcia whom we shall hereafter refer to as Garcia is a great little red dog. He is active social bouncey curious and not bad about being handled. We should also mention handsome as can be with giant ears to hear with and a good sniffing nose.Still young Garcia would love to live with an adult family who has lots of time to play with him. He gets very frightened and wants to run when faced with sudden movements which is why he should not live in a home with children or visiting children.Garcia seemed very interested in the dogs he met here large (very) and small. Some of that will be tempered by a drop in his testosterone level after he is neutered. Then he should become more interested in play instead. In a prior home his canine manners proved to be too overwhelming for the resident small older dog. If he is to live with another dog make sure their energy and play styles are a match.We found that since Garcia is very attached to people such that he is anxious when left alone vocalizes and cannot settle he will do best in a home where someone is there much of the time.All in all Garcia is the type of dog who needs lots of exercise (think Terrier) and enjoys socializing with humans and makes friends with them fairly quickly. He doesn t seem to have a clue what to do with a toy hopefully you can teach him to use them to enrich his life and yours.Enroll him in the Small Dog Class he does not know that our two species can communicate and have an extra rich relationship. He would also benefit from our Scenting Classes and Agility would be super fun.Garcia is a great looking and happy fellow who would like to find a great family to move in with. Primary Color Red Secondary Color White Weight 12.6 Age 1yrs 0mths 2wks... More Info



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