2BR 1BA 35th and Pennsylvania Enjoy the FUN of both Downtown and

Be the first to experience never been used NEW appliances and renovations Call today for your showing Ask for Katie 317-339-9663Gated Private ParkingReserved ParkingAccepts Electronic and Credit Card PaymentsElectronic Lease SigningCable and Internet Ready24 Hour Emergency MaintenanceGreat Oak Hardwood Floors RestoredMini BlindsOn Site Laundry FacilitiesNewly Updated Kitchen & BathroomAbundant Closet SpaceKey Only Entry BuildingsOpen Spacious FloorplansFloor to ceiling windowsVaulted CeilingsDishwasherMicrowaveNew oven and stovetopPets Welcome Just minutes from Butler IUPUI and Ivy Tech You will also be able to enjoy the close proximity from your new home to the following amazing Indianapolis attractions The Indianapolis Zoo The Indianapolis Children s Museum (Don t forget to ask about your FREE Children s Museum Membership ) Lucas Oil Stadium Circle Center Mall Bankers Life Fieldhouse as well as the cultural districts of Massachusetts Avenue The Wholesale District Indiana Avenue White River and The Canal Fountain Square and Broad Ripple



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