Codename Athena s Premiere feat. The Prince

Every Thursday and Friday night at 9 00 p.m. PHIT Comedy brings you the best in sketch comedy - from within the city around the country and across the globe. Join us for an hour of the strangest situations weirdest characters and best laughs in Philly HEADLINE ACTThis evening s performance features headline act Codename Athena. Codename Athena is a Sketch House Team at PHIT Comedy. This is their premiere show WRITERS CASTCarolyn BeattyChris BergTyler BonnerKelly ConradJolie DarrowChristopher EspereanceShannon FaheyEmily KinslowDan McCloryAnnie ParadisPat ReberNicole Yates Codename Athena s writers are supervised by Head Writer Molly Scullion and the ensemble s show is directed by Brian Rumble. OPENING ACTTonight s performance features opening act The Prince. The Prince is a sketch comedy duo featuring Frank Farrell and Jamie Glasheen. De-gunk your laugh-holes folks it s goof o clock ...



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