Help "Coop" Kick Cancer A Benefit Concert for Marc Coope

Marc Coop Cooper has been fighting the hard fight against cancer for the last eight months. He has traveled up and down California and into Mexico hoping to find the right treatment. As you can imagine the medical bills are beginning to mount. His friends and family are coming together to help ease some of that burden and allow him to focus on what s really important....getting CURED Please join us for live music including a jam session with CoopDeVille food drinks and of course dancing to help support Coop s fight against cancer. In addition to the festivities there will be a variety of exciting baskets of amazing products and services donated by the generous local businesses set for auction. All proceeds from ticket sales and auctions will go directly to the Marc Cooper cancer fund. Ticket are 40 per person that will include dinner and a ticket for 1 free wine or beer serving. After that water soda beer wine and an array of cocktails are available for purchase....



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