Regardless of what kept you from buying a home in the past don t let it stop you now We are free to work it out between ourselves without banks dictating the rules.If you are ready www.spi-affordablehomes.com or give us a call at 210-941-3395 Many times (depending on your circumstances) we are willing to finance all or part of the purchase ourselves or lease to own them to you. All the normal rules concerning credit debt ratio and proof of income are thrown out the window. We can be very creative with the financing and structure it to fit your needs. If we have a home you like and you have something we can work with you can be in a home in less than 30 days. If you have very bad credit and no money -- unfortunately we probably can t help you. On the other hand if you have some money but have lost your credit we can probably help you with a lease to own home now.Visit us at www.spi-affordablehomes.com. There is no cost to you to find out what we can do



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