1976 Steury Boat Inboard And Outboard

1976 Steury Boat Inboard And Outboard For Sale in Gering Nebraska 69341Get ready to make waves with this impressive 1976 Steury Boat With six chairs bench seating and a inline 6 pickup motor that offers an impressive 165 Horsepower you can rest assured that this boat is eager to help you create memorable experiences that will last a lifetime.. With low hours on this beauty you can be sure that this boat will be around for many years to come. If you are an adventurous soul who enjoys fun in the sun than you owe it to yourself to check out this quality crafted Steury Boat It comes with great options and features that are perfect for anyone who enjoys life out on the water. Highlights Of These Features Include Ski s ( Two Sets )Inter-Tub With HandlesSki Ropes ( Two Types )New Tires With SpareBoat Cover And So Much More This 1976 Steury Boat has been very well maintained and has always been properly stored when not in use. Motivated to sell and ready to make your water going dreams a reality. Don t miss out on this incredible opportunity This 1976 Steury Boat is in excellent condition and ready for its next adventure. Call today for more information on the fun that awaits



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