AVG Apple Cider Vinegar with Mother for hairs and weight loss

AVG Apple cider vinegar is made from the juice of Sun Grown Ripe Apples. Adding yeast turns the fruit sugar into alcohol. Then using fermentation process bacteria is added to alcohol. Bacteria turn the alcohol into acetic acid. That s what gives vinegar its sour taste strong smell & health benefits.Then it is Seasoned Matured & Fermented NaturallySTARCH FREE FAT FREE GLUTEN FREENATURAL RAW UNFILTEREDTop Benefits of Apple Cider VinegarPresence of Bio-Active components makes it a potent Anti-Oxidant and Anti-Microbial and load it with many other beneficial properties.Soothes a sore throat & skin related problems. Useful in getting relief from Sinus. It reduces bloating & helps in improvement of the digestion process. It supports body s immune function. It helps to keep a check on high blood pressure & helps to maintain overall health of heart and kidney. It is useful in getting rid of body odour & increase the benefits of the vitamins and minerals in your food. It helps in killing bad breath. ACV is acidic but gives alkalinising effects and thus balances your body s PH levels. Continuous use of Apple Cider Vinegar improves metabolism of the body and because it is one of the best natural cleansing agent it helps to remove toxins from the body thus resulting in weight management which could mean better bone health. It s application on hair helps in dandruff problem and provides Shiny hair. Its continuous use helps you in managing body s glucose Level and helps in keeping heart healthy.



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