2012 Bentley Continental GT Mulliner For Sale in Santa Maria Cal

Get ready to take control of the open road with this 2012 Bentley Continental GT Mulliner Coupe. This grand tourer features a sleek and aerodynamic styling whose intelligent design encompasses the spirit of freedom. This exquisite vehicle is one of only two in the US with a classic Brewster Green exterior. The premium cabin features a striking interior with two-tone Bourbon and Burnt Oak trim leather. Powered by a 6 liter W12 DOHC engine with variable valve timing that is mated with 6-speed automatic transmission this all wheel drive vehicle has set a precedent for optimal handling and control. With only 23 780 miles this car s world class automotive design and engineering will be catering to your every whim for many years to come. This Continental Mulliner Coupe comes with a focus on the driver s ergonomics. It is fully loaded with every possible option available such as audio controls located on the steering wheel interior air filtration tilt and telescopic steering adjustments Analog Breitling clock external temperature display and memory setting for up to three drivers. It has electrochromatic auto-dimming mirrors that are power retractable as well as a video monitor located on the front. With the luxury of heated driver and passenger seats dual zone climate control universal remote transmitter and heated power mirrors you can experience the epitome of luxury. Other incredible aspects include power rear spoiler Xenon headlights rain sensing windshield wipers headlight cleaners safety signal mirrors and self-leveling headlights. For your listening pleasure this intelligent vehicle features the premium audio sound system Naim for Bentley that includes a CD changer. This 2012 Bentley Continental GT Mulliner Coupe has been meticulously maintained. All dealer service records are available upon request. You can easily keep this Bentley in spectacular condition because it has a clear protective rubber film covering the hood and front fenders. Don t miss this incredible opportunity to experience a revolutionary experience in Grand Touring. This Continental Mulliner is priced very competitively so call today for more information on how you can make your mark upon the world with this unparalleled Bentley More Pictures Available



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