Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy

Your pelvic floor consists of a system of muscles that is responsible for several functions. Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy East Gwillimbury is a targeted form of therapy that deals specifically with the muscles of the pelvic floor. This form of physiotherapy is mainly employed to treat fecal incontinence and urinary incontinence. Both men and women suffer from pelvic dysfunction and pelvic pain. Pelvic floor issues are diagnosed by our specially trained medical professionals through external and internal examination.When you visit our office one of our skilled pelvic floor physiotherapists will assess your condition. During the assessment your ability to relax and contract your pelvic floor muscles will be recorded. We will also examine your sacroiliac joints hips and your lower back to see if your pelvic floor is absorbing stress from these areas. If you are experiencing pelvic pain it could be due to restricted connective tissues on your abdomen thighs groin or lower back. Our physiotherapist will also examine these areas.What Conditions Do We Treat We treat a range of conditions that are related to the pelvic floor such as Stress incontinence Pelvic organ prolapse Urge incontinence Constipation Mixed incontinence Rectus diastasis Sacroiliac dysfunction And many others The Importance of Pelvic Floor PhysiotherapyPelvic floor physiotherapy is hailed as one of the most important aspects of postpartum care internationally. For example French women who give birth naturally are provided follow up care with a pelvic floor physiotherapist. This is a standard part of the aftercare post-partum recovery schedule provided. This care helps by massaging lengthening and stretching the pelvic floor muscles. This prevents the muscle weakness that is most often the cause of incontinence. Pelvic floor physiotherapy also helps to loosen the tightness that can occur as a result of an episiotomy or vaginal tear. When left untreated these issues can cause pain or even limit regular function.Medical ProofA 2010 study that was published in the Cochrane Collaboration showed that there was an elevated level of evidence that pelvic floor strengthening aids with incontinence. The aforementioned study also mentioned that muscle strengthening should be guided by a trained physiotherapist. The assessment used should be internal and the treatment itself should be used as the first defense against stress and urge incontinence prior to surgical correction.Why an Exam Is Important & How We Can HelpWhen you come to our office for a physiotherapy visit we will assess the distressed area to discover how much muscle tone exists before we initiate treatment. The internal exam allows us to adequately feel the pelvic floor muscles hidden inside the pelvis. At this point we can ascertain the amount of damage that exists the level of strength and any other needs. Once we complete the exam we will customize an individual exercise and treatment plan based on your specific needs. We are dedicated to ensuring that you are treated well so you can get better quickly.If you are ready to make an appointment or merely want to talk to a specialist about our services give Ultimate Health Clinic a call at 905-251-0162 today.



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