Weider Ultimate Body Works

Adjustable incline bench on wheels with a pulley on each side Adjust the bench to a steeper incline to increase the amount of weight resistance Resistance Bands Provides the option to increase weight resistance up to 50-pounds with the addition of the four resistance bands Cable & Pulley System allow for greater versatility and greater range of motion. Resistance bands increase weight resistance beyond the user s own body weight. Features a compact space-saving design so it s a premium option for home gyms Exercise Chart Weider Total Body Works 5000 includes workout guide with over 100 body-shaping exercises. Maximum weight capacity (pounds) 250 SpaceSaver Design The Weider Ultimate Body Works conveniently folds for easy storageWarranty 90 Days Parts & Labor Warranty.Features an incline bench with wheels that can be adjusted to the desired position with the help of pulleys on both sides s www.greenandhealthysolutions.com



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