2001 Toyota Corolla

JUST ACQUIRED - PICS SOON (no frills sell it as we got it special price) DRIVEN ONLY 9K MILES PER YEAR PRESTIGE WRITTEN 30 DAY LIMITED WARRANTY NICE AND COLD A C DEALER FINANCE OPTIONS AVAILABLE (from great credit scores to new or rebuilding credit) and PRICED TO SELL -) WAS 5995 and on a COUPON SPECIAL TODAY (HURRY or CALL IN before this EXPIRES). Imagine yourself behind the wheel of this beautiful 2001 Toyota Corolla. J.D. Power named the 2001 Corolla as the highest ranked in Overall Dependability in its class. Reliable and economical this fuel efficient Corolla might be everything you ve been searching for all under one roof. With the money you ll save on gas this car can really take you places. LISTED AT 5995 and ON A MANAGERS INTERNET COUPON SPECIAL TODAY (at this website). THIS SPECIAL WAS CREATED BY THE INTERNET MANAGER AND EXPIRES SOON. COUPON SPECIAL YOU SAY.. JUST LIKE OUTBACK OR JOANNES FABRICS WILL PUT A COUPON OUT WELL YOU HAVE FOUND ONE HERE. THESE LOSS LEADERS OR PROMOTION UNITS CHANGE ALMOST DAILY WITHOUT NOTICE AND ONCE THE SPECIAL ENDS IT S GONE. PLEASE DON T DELAY ON THIS SWEET DEAL.... CALL NOW



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