In need of love and finding my better half

I am very new to online dating and never believed it I always thought bunkers that you have to be desperate to find love online but now I am willing to take chances and giving it a shot at one point of my life I thought that love has found me and I am married an Armenian girl two years later we ended up getting a divorce for which I blame myself I have valve to get on with my life and keep searching I am a hard-working man that felt like I was not being appreciated by my ex-wife because her look life has been mostly interested in the materialistic stuff Learning many lessons from my first marriage I am now committed to be better husband to my wife and God willing my future kids . I am always trying to better myself and succeed in whatever I do I do with my life I have goals that will ensure happiness and stability for my future family I have much love and no want to give it to you I m looking for a woman that that is not necessarily Armenian but but anyone who has I kind personality and a big heart though I still love my wife I know now that we will never be in the city as one so I must find my love my true love elsewhere I choose to judge people on their character and kindness rather then The pigment of their skin and the religious views I believe in one God with many names through evolution if I sound like someone you would like to meet then the feeling would be mutual )



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