LGBT Comedy Night at The Suite LIVE

Let s come together and laugh out loud Heather Turman host attacks the stage with an unapologetic sense of self. Her impeccable timing and brutal honesty have landed her on the FOX series Laughs Comedy Time TELEVISION and Nuvo TELEVISION s Stand Up & Deliver.Aidan Park is proud to be 1 of the 1st and only out and proud Gay Korean-American comics out there Aidan has toured with several Broadway tours and made appearances on Comedy Central Tosh.0 NBC TELEVISION Guide Channel and Hulu TELEVISION. Anne Marie Symons performs stand-up at comedy clubs all over the country as well as in the UK. Anne-Marie also produces a monthly comedy show The Fun-F cking-Tastic Comedy Show & has shared a stage with comics such as Damon Wayans Sr. Whitney Cummings Sara Silverman & Fortune Feimster to name a few Complimentary appetizers will be provided. 1st come 1st served.FREE parking in the Out of the Closet lot across the street.21 ID all 15 at the door...



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