Meeting with the right minded Partner to me in this whole life means a lot to me.I know finding the right partner takes the highest of courage for one to learn to accept and cherish one another better.I am someone full of life and willing to give understanding and committed mind into work to achieve a lasting moment with a woman that would accept me for who i am.I know how delicate life has been in choosing a soul mate but i know what lies in my mind about meeting with a woman that will be mine forever without us having difficulties.. No home last long without drags we would see things as it comes but we would need to learn how to give so much mind into making it work.I am self reliance and i want someone who can accept me and we could glide in life with so much we could share to make our home blossom..I am active and productive with my attitudes and intent about what i want to figure out in my whole life..I am a dedicated man with a vision so pressing and i am not gonna loose my Ground till i get to my destination in life but all this focus about life and goals are not achievable if i cant find a soul mate woman to complete it....It takes 2 to Tango



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